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Client/Employer: Group, Inc.
Product: Living Inside Out Curriculum
Need: Launch new curriculum line
Solution: Budgeted, planned and led all marketing efforts, including:

  • Led marketing strategy and promotion of children’s curriculum launch.
  • Managed and reconciled marketing budget. Year 2006 ended under budget.
  • Forecasted and managed sales and inventory.
  • Directed all advertising efforts including consumer and trade catalogs, product brochures, direct mail, product samples, website, and multimedia.
  • Conducted extensive market research including market sizing, market segmentation, price elasticity testing, lost purchase follow up, and field tests.
  • Developed and oversaw lead generation, customer acquisition and retention programs.
  • Organized and conducted on-going product training to direct, inbound and wholesale sales teams.
  • Supervised staff of four.
Client/Employer: Group, Inc.
Product: Books
Need: Promote awareness and drive sales
Solution: Budgeted, planned and led all marketing efforts, including:

  • Budgeted, planned and led online and events marketing strategy for over 200 active book titles.
  • Developed and implemented pricing strategy resulting in additional $400K in revenue.
  • Recognized need, researched solutions and implemented web-based title management system. Eliminated redundant systems and improved ability to efficiently share and maintain the most up-to-date title information with multiple internal and external audiences, including the sales team, wholesale and online retailers.
  • Conceived and led e-book initiatives with Google Books and Amazon
  • Conceived and led digital music initiative with online music distributor to test digital music sales and position company for future online growth.
  • Negotiated, contracted, produced and managed over 150 product promotions annually distributed on industry leading websites and e-newsletters including:,, Children’s Ministry e-news,, REV e-news, Christianity Today, iTicket, Videorocket, Facebook, and ShoutLife. Consistently delivered promotions within strict deadlines and budgets.
  • Developed system for testing and optimizing online pay-per-click campaigns resulting in click-thru-rate (CTR) increases over 1000% and bounce rate decreases of up to 40%.
  • Led strategy and development of multiple micro sites and an online social network to support various product releases.
  • Analyzed and reported performance of online marketing to support senior management.
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Client/Employer: Group, Inc.
Product: GROUP Magazine: 25,000 circulation, bi-monthly magazine
Need: Subscriber acquisition and retention
Solution: Budgeted, planned, and led multiple online efforts including:

  • Event promotions
  • Direct mail campaigns
  • Advanced renewal online and phone campaigns
  • Multiple subscription mail offers
  • Cross promotion with other product lines
  • Blow-ins
  • Cover Tip-ons
  • Order stuffers
  • Banners and landing pages
Client/Employer: Group, Inc.
Product: National Youth Ministry Conference  – a national four day training and networking conference hosting approximately 2000 youth ministry leaders
Need: Attendee Acquisition and Retention
Solution: Budgeted, planned, and led multiple online efforts including:

  • Directed redesign, upgrades, integration with social technologies and viral marketing
  • Developed and maintained conference website, including social marketing strategies
  • Conceived, designed, implemented and maintained social
  • Email development and distribution to targeted lists
  • Magazine ad placement
  • Event promotions
  • Facebook promotion
  • Banners and landing pages
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Client/Employer: Group, Inc.
Product: Parent Link Teen Edition: Monthly Parent Newsletter distributed to estimated 500,000 parents
Need: Subscriber acquisition and retention
Solution: Budgeted, planned and led all marketing efforts, including:

  • Event promotions
  • Print ads
  • Direct mail campaigns
  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Email campaigns
  • Cross promotion with other product lines
  • Banners and landing pages

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